Q: What is glare?
Technically, glare is created anytime light meets a reflective surface. Glare interferes with vision, dilutes colors and tires the eyes. Sunclip Express clip-ons excel in all light conditions, especially where glare is encountered. On shore or on board, you’ll be astonished by the difference that Sunclip Express polarized lenses make.
Q: How does polarization work and what are the benefits?
Our proprietary polarized lenses use a specially designed film. The film properties and alignment create a unique filtering process that blocks horizontally reflected light. This effectively eliminates both hard and ambient glare while still allowing the transmission of selected light rays through the lens. Sunclip Express lenses are also designed to filter out the sun’s invisible, but harmful, Ultraviolet (UVA and UVB) rays. The combined result of polarization and UV filtering provides you with superior clarity, definition, color transmission, and reduced eye strain in all conditions.
Q: Is it possible to have a clear polarized lens?
No, a clear polarized lens is not an effective glare-reducing lens. The amount of polarization a lens achieves is proportional to the density of the film. The lighter the PVA film the less polarization a lens can offer. Generally, lenses that utilize a dark film will, in turn, have a slightly more “effective” polarization than a lens that possesses a light film. Tinting a light polarized lens does not increase polarity. It simply darkens the lens and reduces brightness.
Q: What determines a superior quality polarized lens?
Three factors determine the quality of a polarized lens: clarity, density, and alignment of the film within the lens. Inferior film may cause a lens to be hazy. A light film density will not perform as well as a darker film. The polarized film must be aligned properly and set precisely in a frame. If it is not aligned properly the wearer will experience visual discomfort and will not have effective polarization.
Q: How do I maintain and clean my Ultralite or Lowepro clip-ons?
When you are not wearing your clip-ons, keep them in their case to protect the frame and the lenses. Do not store them in direct sunlight, such as the dashboard of your car. To clean them, first blow off any particles. Wash with mild soap and warm water. Then wipe dry with a soft cotton or professional cleaning cloth, like the Sunclip Express Buffer Cloth. Do not use paper towels or other wood fiber paper products.